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Electrician Review

All information about Electrician

Electrical Short Circuit – Types, Causes and Prevention

The term short circuit is to show any electrical wiring Problem or a specific condition in which electricity turns outside the traditional way of an electrical circuit. If the connections loosen the electrical current may leak and the electrical current instantly flows back to the ground and back through the utility wires. If the connection loosens electrical current may leak and instantly seek to flow back to the ground. That pathway can go through inflammable material or even human being creates a short circuit and the danger of Fire.


Two types of situations qualify as a short circuit in which a Hotwire carrying live current touches as natural wire. When this situation happens a large volume of the current will started to flow in an unexpected pathway. When the short circuit occurs the sparks with a cracking sound and sometimes smoke and inflame ensue. A ground fault is another sort of short circuit that usually happens when the hot wires get connected with the grounded part of the way like bare copper ground wire, a restricted metal case, or other portion of the appliance.


There are different causes of short circuits including the faulty circuit wire insulation, loose wire connection, and faulty appliance wiring. Circuit breakers or fuses usually works to protect in which an internal system or springs or compressed air use to sense any change in the flow of current and break the circuit connection in case of any irregularities occur like the immediate unchecked movement of current that occurs during a short circuit.

Ground fault circuit interrupters also provide the same functionality for the protection. if you inspect a short circuit you should follow the procedure includes locating the tripped circuit breaker and inspect all the appliance power cords by plugging into the outlet along the circuit that has tripped. Turn off the entire light and appliance switch along the circuit then turn on each light if the circuit breaker trip again calls a Professional electrician to sort out the problem.

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